Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Feelin totally high!!!

Born as the only daughter, a victim of fortunate or unfortunate destiny, she was always a source of comparison at home and at school, to her friend’s parents; be it academics, dance, singing, debate. There was no stage which failed to feel her steps. She went on to be the school discipline leader in her higher primary. It became a natural habit of hers to fish for compliments. Was it a crime or just a forgivable outcome of inevitability? She never stopped to think nor did anyone else who knew her. She was indeed accustomed to bowing her head with humility to all applauds that came her way, but silently from within it was a natural addiction of pride.

One day, her grandfather, a renowned astrologer, a man who could get the sky down but rather wanted only the clouds down to quench thirst was an epitome of all forms of positive energy. He called her and asked her, ‘Do you believe in God?’ Now what made him ask that question? May be he knew it or may be fate, luck or can we call it a call from the ABOVE? She never had a definite answer. He went on to tell her that he wanted her to chant constantly and said that by doing so the best would come to her. She readily agreed, she thought now that was her new secret to gain more adulation. She knew his words were as pure as the morning dew; she followed his words with utmost faith. Slowly with time she saw the irony of her expectations. She saw her charm languish, her 90’s came down to 60’s, all those stages started missing her steps. Then what did he say, she thought, again, she never dared to break her promise. Her faith was still stuck. But not even the best of her hard work turned up. Now she dint even know whom to ask because the person whom she wanted to ask was no more.

She thought for days and nights, months and years and she soon realized, understood, acknowledged, that it was not her charm that languished, it was rather her pride and jealousy. She was totally appeased. But how come so young, so early? Why not? , he did say the best would come to her easily and fast! Yes, sometimes one wouldn’t know the right definitions of the best and knowing it right was now her blessing for life. She could now ideally and genuinely differentiate between the right and wrong. She could feel herself being tamed and see her actions and thoughts reflecting. An apt recognition; right is not just the right actions; helping others, lending money, appreciating other’s successes, saying kind words and so on. It’s something beyond. One would be right when he sets his thoughts right. When one helps others somewhere he enjoys his capability of helping; when he gives a right advice, he rejoices his maturity and secretly these actions contribute pride at a heavy cost. Even when one congratulates the other, appreciates the other, he is jealous somewhere and then we hear the famous one liners thrown by people spontaneously ‘for what mistake of mine am I suffering? I was always good.’ Question and analyze your thoughts and then sit to define yourself because no one can into your mind and get a hand over your thoughts!

Today, she can see her life has changed for good, her friend’s circle changed, her well wishers changed, they were all now ones who had purity within. She totally enjoys and loves doing her work, she even sees her hard work too smiling without any reluctance but getting on the top or keeping a track of how many are up there is now a botheration equal to voidness. The only thing that still bothers her is, when she sees someone suffering she yearns to go and STOP them but she has nothing in her that would make others believe like she had someone in her life, her grandfather, who naturally commanded belief to STOP her! Was it her luck, fate, a divine call or that great man’s love!!!


  1. "Was it her luck, fate, a divine call or that great man’s love??" Whatever the reason would have been, everything happens for a reason. Because for sure one of the above reasons has bought the best in my Life..The Girl herself.Experience is inspiration. And this is what I have learnt from her. Thank you so much for everthing :)

  2. Now tats what u call an alter ego!
